Why Present?

When I attended my first SIGUCCS I came away thinking… “Why didn’t I present on that topic? I could have done that….”

So before you ignore this article, think about things you do every day that someone else might benefit from. It is often the easiest solutions, things you take for granted, that others can learn from. While we all have stuff to learn, we all have something to teach and share also, so how about submitting a proposal to present at SIGUCCS 2019 in New Orleans.

Think about the tracks offered (listed below) at this conference and then think about how where your everyday work or project fits. There is something for everyone here!

  • Strategy and Governance
  • Infrastructure and Operations
  • Service Management
  • Instructional Technology and Design
  • Leadership and Career Development
  • Lab Management and Desktop support

Still not sure what you want to present about? Join our Slack channels or post on the community Facebook site (instructions: http://siguccs.hosting.acm.org/wp/?page_id=437). Start a conversation on the email list (join at http://siguccs.hosting.acm.org/wp/?page_id=435). You might get an idea for something you can present. Or you might find a colleague that will present with you.

Since that first SIGUCCS, I have presented in some format at over half of the conferences I have attended – the other half I have volunteered in some manner, but we can talk about that in a future newsletter article…☺. Go for it. You won’t regret it.

~ Lisa Brown

SIGUCCS 2019 Logo

SIGUCCS 2019 Conference proposals are due February 2. Learn more about conference proposals at siguccs.org/Conference/2019/call-for-proposals/

About SIGUCCS Editor

The Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services (SIGUCCS) is an association of professionals who support and manage the diverse aspects of information technology services at higher education institutions. SIGUCCS is one of 36 special interest groups of ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, the world's largest educational and scientific computing society. SIGUCCS focuses on issues surrounding the support, delivery, and management of those services, and provides professional development opportunities for its members and the other individuals in the field.